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The course material of Adoption 101 is designed with the  help of adoptees. Comprised of adoptee requests, the goal of the course is to help them on their journey through life as an adoptee. Adoption 101 students will explore the topics described below in detail.

The True Meaning of Family 
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Family are those we surround ourselves with; the people we love unconditionally, the people we give endless support, the people we can not live without. Family are there through thick and thin. They are not necessarily the people we live with, or those we share DNA with. Blood does not make a family. Love does. 

Sticky Situations

It’s important to learn that all adoptees will face highly personal questions and unexpected situations. From classmates who ask about an adoptees' family, to intrusions by total strangers, it can be difficult to deal with. However, if adoptees are prepared for the comments and questions people will ask, handling these sticky situations will be much easier. With  meaningful responses, adoptees can feel more at ease while simultaneously educating others about adoption.

You Are Not Alone

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the whirlwind of emotions that adoption causes. However, it’s important to remember you are not alone. There is always an adoptee out there who is feeling the same way, or who is facing the same situation. There is comfort in numbers and hearing how others feel or handle sticky situations. Adoptees will always be there for each other, ready to lend a helping hand


Diving Right In 

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One of the best ways for adoptees to learn more about their pasts is through learning about their birth country and its culture. From learning to speak the language, to cooking traditional dishes, so much knowledge can be gained from these activities and  can help adoptees stay connected with their roots. There are many cultural and adoption programs around, such as camps and local ethnic organizations. These can help answer some questions adoptees have, and introduces them to others on the same journey.

It's Okay to Feel That Way 

Adoption stirs up many emotions. Although adoption is  joyous, many adoptees don’t know much about their past. All they know is that they were given up for adoption. They simply don’t know the story of their beginnings. It could be due to a one-child law, or their birth parents wanting a better life for them. The mystery can cause many emotions from anger and confusion to sadness and loss. Any emotion adoptees feel is okay. They suffered a loss at an early age, and have to feel to heal. Working through the emotions is absolutely a necessary process. 

Kyla DeWittie Holt Scholarship 2019

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